Merlin : The Mind of a Sea Turtle

The intelligent awareness, sensitivity, and consciousness of our pets is accepted increasingly in our society, yet a strong prejudice lingers against the idea that animals considered "cold" and "low," such as fish, amphibians, and reptiles, could be conscious too.
In its presentation of the actions of sea turtles in different situations, this book provides a vivid glimpse into their minds. It is clear that each one has his own perspective on things, one that very much matters to him.
These exquisitely designed marine reptiles were able to plan ahead, cooperate against their own instinctive drives, and use deceptive strategies. They remembered abuse, took steps to try to avoid more suffering, and their behaviour was flexible according to the circumstances. Their sentience provides another reason to insist on their protection from extinction, from sacrifice as "by-catch," and through the enforcement of protective laws.
The author, being an ethologist and wildlife rehabilitator, came into sudden contact with them in the South Seas while on a kayak trip to intercept some whales, when local fishermen showed her where a sea turtle was floating, about to be smashed on the reef. Thus she began learning about sea turtles close up, and this book tells what happened.

The events are set within the Tahitian culture, which maintained that God put sea turtles in the sea for them to eat, so the people defended the right to eat every last one of them. For that reason, the laws protecting them were not upheld, and any sea turtle was in mortal danger.
The difficulties involved in rehabilitating them within this menacing culture spice the story, while the actions of the sea turtles are captivating.